reckless glitch design – benjamin kiesewetter

science center in Heilbronn


(click to edit) There is some javascript here for the premium elementor media grid to replace videos by looping slomo exerpts!
  insert image,    set to video    type: youtube    url: youtube url
   controls/mute, work on Lightbox, which is cool feature, i recommend controls always true,    delete the lightbox icon in style/lightbox, maybe play wih margin
  THE MAGIC - insert into title:     slomoSection( 'youtubeid' , 111 , 222 , 0.5 )     nothing else! 111 is start time, 222 is stoptime, 0.5 is speed, title will be replaced by title from youtube

this will vanish on published page

experimenta science center

While working for TRIAD, we filled the whole Floor focused on the human body and mind of the new experimenta building in Heilbronn with interactive exhibits.


For TRIAD I developed the concepts and designs for a hand full of exhibits and later for Hüttinger I finished a few of them developing the interactive softwares.


Luftparcours is a paraglider simulator using authentic rope controlls.

Sense and Sensability, is a combination of basically analog experiments to explore aspects of all human senses using a church organ as corpus reference.

Mixed Feelings is a device similar to audio mixing tables to merge your feelings to certain words into an abstract visualization.

Smartphone Zombie is  a simulated walk through a busy city on a tredmill the player is bombarded with typical smartphone messages from friends and family.

Living Language (life of words) is a collection of old words that are to die out and new words that yust have been made up represented by cradles and graves.


Besides that I have been working on half a dozen other exhibits and the interior designs of the storey.

When I worked on Luftparcours and Smartphone Zombie I prepared the graphics assets to be imported into the unity gaming engine, not yet knowing how it would be implemented. About a year later I happened to become the very programmer to do that, perfect cooperation.




TRIAD Berlin,
Kurt Hüttinger GmbH & Co. KG,
experimenta gGmbH

My Part
  • Multiple storyboards
  • Some corpus designs
  • Concept, Game mechanics and Interactions for Luftparcours, Smartphone Zombie and Mixed Feelings
  • Graphics designs and asset production
  • programming of Unity games for Luftparcours, Smartphone Zombie and Mixed Feelings
  • Rhinoceros 3d/grashopper calculation of anamorphic effects on walls and ceiling
  • 3d renderings of whole storrey for customer previewing